San Diego Pro Arte Voices Events

2023-2024 Season
San Diego Summer Conducting and Singing Workshop
DEC 16-17, 2023
Annual Texts and Music for Humankind concerts
Spring 2024
San Diego California
Choral Conducting Workshop
Three days of intensive choral conducting study focusing on gesture, rehearsal techniques, warmups, vocal pedagogy, programming, and choral literature for K-12, church, and community choirs. Participate in private lessons, group lessons, rehearsals, and interest sessions.
A lab choir made up of members of the La Jolla Symphony Chorus, San Diego Master Chorale, and auditioned local choral musicians will be available every evening acting as the main vehicle for Conducting Fellows, both in rehearsal and culminating recital.
This workshop is targeted for K-12 Music Teachers, Church Musicians, Community Choir Conductors, College and High School Students, and Choral music enthusiasts, who want to improve their skills as a conductor and become more comfortable in front of a choir. Interested persons can participate in three different ways: as a Conducting Fellow* (someone who receives multiple private conducting lessons and rehearsal time in front of the San Diego Master Chorale), a Conducting Associate (someone who receives one private conducting lesson and can conduct a small laboratory choir), or as an Auditor or Observer (someone who may not feel comfortable conducting a choir but wants to expand their conducting knowledge and abilities).
“As I scanned countless summer programs around the country for a conducting workshop willing to mentor a young conductor still in his undergrad, the San Diego Conducting Workshop was the only one that I found that gave podium time to someone like me. Living on the east coast, there were camps for high school students to attend to work on their musicianship skills and there were conferences for doctoral candidates to fill their resumes, but the undergraduate experience bracket was seriously lacking. I am pleased to say that the amazing memories, wonderful experiences, and lasting friendships that I got to have while I attended the SDCW will shape the way I approach music for the rest of my life.”
-Christopher Hickey, 2016 Conducting Fellow
- Dr. Patrick Walders, Artistic Director, San Diego Pro Arte Voices
- Dr. David Chase, Choral Director Emeritus, La Jolla Symphony & Chorus
- Karin Wagner, Founder, VOICE Vienna Pop & Jazz Choir Experience
- Tam Pahn, Taichi Instructor
- Emma Whitten, Accompanist
- St. David’s Episcopal Church | 5050 Milton St, San Diego, CA 92110
- K-12 Music Teachers (especially Instrumentalists who conduct choirs)
- Church Musicians, Community Choir Conductors
- College and High School Students
- Choral music enthusiasts!
- Conducting Fellow* – daily private & group lessons, conduct evening choir in recital
- Conducting Associate – one private lesson, daily group lessons, conduct daytime lab choir
- Auditor/Observer/Participant – participate in all sessions, lab choir, evening choir (optional)
Conducting Fellow* – $400:
*Selection by application and audition
Daily private & group lessons
Conduct auditioned choir in Tuesday evening recital
Conductor – $300:
One private lesson
Daily group lessons
Conduct daytime lab choir
Auditor/Participant – $200
Participate in all sessions, daytime lab choir, evening choir
*Conducting Fellow applicants should send their CV, a list of works conducted, and 1-2 videos (youtube links are okay) to